Demopolis High School Cadets attended their annual JROTC JCLC at The Alabama 4-H Camp in Columbiana, AL on June 3-6, 2022. JCLC is four-day summer camp where approximately 600 cadets from various schools in Alabama meet to engage in activities such as Canoeing, Paddle Boating, Rock Wall Climbing, Clover Hops, Low Ropes, Survival Introduction, Environmental Science, Herpetology, Astronomy, and Drill and Ceremony. The intent is to challenge cadets in an austere environment and develop their leadership, communication and social skills.
The camp is broken down into three cycles over a period of three weeks, with each cycle consisting of approximately 200 cadets.
To be eligible to attend the camp, cadets must:
-Be in good academic/discipline standing with the school and the Tiger Battalion JROTC program throughout the entire school year
-Willingly participate in the Physical Training and achieve a high level of physical fitness throughout the school year
-Not possess a serious health condition that jeopardizes their safety and well-being; must obtain waiver for medication or medical issues by their parents or guardians.
-Commit to returning to the JROTC program the following school year
This year attendees from Demopolis High School were:
- Devonte Brown – Upcoming senior, and Company Commander. While at camp, Cadet Brown served as Platoon Sergeant for Charlie Company the first day.
- Rebecca Melton – Upcoming sophomore, Platoon Leader, and Tiger Battalion Drill Team Commander. While at camp, Cadet Melton served as First Sergeant for Alpha Company. Alpha Company placed second in Drill and Ceremony out of ten teams competing.
- Mason Goodwin – Upcoming sophomore and Platoon Sergeant. While at camp, Cadet Goodwin served as Platoon Sergeant for Alpha Company. Alpha Company placed second in Drill and Ceremony out of ten teams competing.
- Jaylen Reed – Upcoming senior and Tiger Battalion S-4. While at camp, Cadet Reed took first place in the Male one mile run out of approximately 200 cadets.
- Braydon Lathum – Upcoming senior and Tiger Battalion Commander. While at camp, Cadet Lathum served as Company Commander for Bravo Company. Bravo Company placed first in Drill and Ceremony out of ten teams competing.